Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Everyone knows Shawn Carter?s story by now.? Every time the rap mogul announces a new business venture, promotes an upcoming album, or graces the cover of a magazine we are reminded of how he rose from humble beginnings, raised by a single mother in Marcy Projects, then sold drugs by the age of 13, and eventually formed Roc-A-Fella Records with co-founders Damon Dash and Kareem ?Biggs? Burke who believed in his rap talent when no one else in the music industry did.? Jay-Z?s rise from Brooklyn to the top of the business world has been well-documented but when New York Times reporter David Halbfinger attempted to interview the hip-hop icon last month, he had a different angle that he wanted to explore.

With the Barclays Center scheduled to open on September 28 with a Jay-Z concert, Halbfinger hoped to write what he called a ?smart story about a smart guy? and speak to the Brooklyn Nets co-owner about his role with the team.? Ironically, the Yale graduate, who has covered the 2004 presidential campaign, the inner workings of the movie business, and New Jersey state politics in his 15 years with The Times, interviewed Jay-Z in 2007 (along with Times music/culture reporter Jeff Leeds) about his ?American Gangster? album.? It seemed to be a no-brainer that Jay-Z would participate in Halbfinger?s story since they had great chemistry during their first interaction where Jay-Z actually rapped over the phone as he was finalizing the project in the recording studio.? However, Jay-Z?s representatives declined an interview request and according to Halbfinger even tried to prevent the story from being published.? This didn?t stop him from doing extensive research and speaking with more than 30 people ranging from music executives to sports agents and even key executives within the Nets organization such as General Manager Billy King, developer Bruce Ratner, and CEO Brett Yorkman.

When the article hit the front page of The New York Times on August 16 it was the first time that Jay-Z?s ownership stake with the Nets had been clearly defined as an astonishing one-fifteenth of one percent and slightly under a fifth of a percent for the arena.? We were previously unaware of a mandatory meeting that Jay-Z had to attend in 2003 with NBA commissioner David Stern to explain why he stabbed record producer Lance ?Un? Rivera.? (In 2001, Jay-Z was given three years? probation in a New York criminal courtroom for stabbing Rivera in 1999 for what he believed was Rivera bootlegging his ?Volume 3:? The Life & Times of S. Carter? album.? In a 2004 interview with New York radio station Hot 97, Rivera admitted that the incident was ?staged? to promote the album.)? There was also startling information received from an undisclosed source that the Nets? new uniforms designed by Jay-Z were met with resistance from the NBA because it was perceived that black players wearing black wouldn?t translate well on TV.?

I spoke with Halbfinger at great length to talk about the article that so many people are still talking about two weeks after it was released.

Were you at all reluctant to proceed with the story after Jay-Z?s reps turned down your interview request, especially since you had such a great rapport with him in your 2007 interview with Jeff Leeds??

No, it just means a challenge.? If someone doesn?t want to tell you something or information is hard to get it then the fun of the job is digging.? Digging requires digging.? We are diggers.? Sometimes you might be digging as a watchdog on the government and sometimes there might just be information that people don?t want to tell you because it?s not in their interests and you have to kind of look to see how you find your ways to get it.? The first couple of calls I made was to try and see if Jay-Z would talk to us because that would take the story in a very friendly direction presumably.? There are issues with doing that.? The issue if you get an interview is how much do you allow the interview to shape the direction of your reporting?? In this case his people said, ?No way, no how!?? In fact, they tried to shut the story down arguing that this is just a hype story and why don?t we wait until later when the arena is open.? They suggested that maybe he would talk to us then.? We had our reasons for proceeding right now.? In a way, as a reporter when they tell you they are not going to cooperate with you it?s almost liberating because anything I get is gravy.? When you are cooperating with somebody and they are giving you an interview there is a kind of etiquette of those things that can in some ways cause some complications.? Until an interview happens and even sometimes afterwards they can kind of hold it over your head.? If you start kicking over too many rocks and calling people they don?t really want you calling they might say they won?t do the interview.? Then you?ve lost an interview after you had it.? But this was liberating.

Jay-Z has been featured in The Times very often throughout his career including your story and a large feature that focused on his day-to-day operations when he was President of Def Jam.? It?s somewhat shocking to know that you were turned down.? I mean this is The New York Times.? The Nets General Manager Billy King was profiled in the paper a few weeks ago.? What was your pitch?

It was very straightforward and exactly how the story turned out to be.? [He reads an excerpt from the initial email sent to Jay-Z?s representatives that speaks on his goal of writing a ?high-profile piece delving into Jay-Z?s important but not widely understood role with the Nets.?]? I also reminded them that I wrote the ?American Gangster? piece.

That?s interesting.? Maybe they were concerned you would reveal how much of the team he didn?t really own.? Many people were under the impression that it was 10 percent or maybe even 5 percent.?

It?s very simple.? He invested $1 million and that was out of a $300 million purchase price.? That?s one-third of one percent, period.? End of story.

Then that percentage went even lower?

When Mikhail D. Prokhorov (the billionaire owner of the Brooklyn Nets) bought 80 percent of the team what that does is squeezes down the 100 percent of all the other people into 20 percent.? Everybody who had a piece up to that point had their stake divided by five.? That?s it.? Clearly what Jay?s stake is worth now, you could calculate it if you knew what the team was valued at based on Prokhorov?s purchase and then you could guess how much it?s gone up or down since then.? But it?s just simple math.

But doesn?t that now explain why Jay-Z wouldn?t want to speak with you.? You were going to talk to him about owning one-fifteenth of one percent.? For a guy who uses his ownership with the Nets for bragging rights in his music that may be damaging.? It changes people?s perception of King Hova?

First of all, I didn?t pitch them about wanting to know how much he owned.? It was clearly one of the questions I had but it was not like I was leading with my chin.? I wasn?t like, ?Hey, I?d really like to ask Jay-Z exactly what his partnership stake is and while you are at it can you tell me his address and phone number??? I would argue with you on the notion of whether it undercuts his right to brag.? In a way, you could brag that you had a larger piece of the Nets or you could brag that you?ve turned so much less of a piece of the Nets into so much more in perception.? The judo involved in image-making and promotion and perception is reality that he has achieved with such a little percentage is something more to brag about than just putting on a larger junk of change or having a larger percentage.

Clearly he is using it to his advantage with plans for a 40/40 Club at the Barclays Center, a Rocawear store outside and a bar at the area that will serve the Armand de Brignac champagne that he promotes in his music and videos.? You don?t believe that he is getting a special deal to do all of this?

According to CEO Brett Yormark there were no sweetheart deals.? It?s not like he showed me the contracts to verify that.? Let?s be clear.? I?m still skeptical that he did get a preferred deal, not a sweetheart deal.? It is interesting that you don?t see others in there.? I didn?t even get into this in the paper but it?s not like he?s known for outbidding all the competition.? Do you recall the Meadowlands arena where the Nets used to play?? It used to be the Continental Arena.? And then it became the Izod arena.? Do you know who Izod was chosen over?? Rocawear.? There was another bidder too.? I don?t think Izod paid more money.? I think the deal was at the same price as Rocawear but I think Izod was chosen over Rocawear anyway.? There must have been other reasons that made it a more attractive deal for the Meadowlands.? He?s a guy who is known for getting a good deal.? It was enough for me to say that he?s got four different business lines going here.? He has the advertising agency, the club, the clothing and the champagne and who knows if there is more.? Don?t forget the concerts he is going to do.

Who did you speak with after Jay-Z declined to be interviewed?

I spoke with CEO Brett Yormark.? I talked to developer Bruce Ratner at length.? I talked to other investors in the team.? I talked to Billy King, the G.M.? I talked to some agents and people in the music industry.? One of the things that didn?t make it into the piece was sort of the question as to how heavily Jay would work to promote the arena with other acts.? For example, would he stop to pick up the phone if down the road the Brooklyn arena is competing with an act for Madison Square Garden??? Would he call an artist and say that this would be a personal favor if you come here?? I tried to do 360 degrees around this story.

We had no idea that Jay had to meet with David Stern especially with him having such a small stake.? We definitely didn?t know he had to explain why he stabbed Lance Rivera, an issue that is long-forgotten in people?s minds.

Well, this was 2003 and his sentencing was only in 2001 if memory serves and the incident happened in 1999.? It wasn?t that old and this is a much earlier time in the NBA and its attitude toward hip-hop and rappers.? There was a time when they were really trying to keep that influence to a minimum.? The dress code happened a little while later in the NBA.? As it was described to me, maybe if he had not been a rapper but he did have a guilty plea in his past he wouldn?t have had to sit with Stern but perhaps because he was both a rapper and admitted to a stabbing that he had to go have a face-to-face and let Stern look him over.? Remember he was huge in hip-hop but not the transcendent icon that he is today.

Was he interviewed by Stern because all owners have to meet with the commissioner?

I didn?t get the story from Stern.? I got it from Ratner.? His impression was that because Jay had the incident in his past and his line of work those things combined led Stern to ask for the meeting to size him up.

In the article you spoke about a time when Jay-Z didn?t appear at Nets? games due to what a source described as him being ?brand-conscious??? Have you ever heard of a team owner not showing up to games because his team isn?t performing well?

That was the message from the quote.? He attended much more frequently when they were doing well.? When they started to stink, while he would show up occasionally, he wouldn?t show up very often.?? The implication is that it wasn?t adding luster to him to be as visually associated with a really losing team.? There?s a song (?Niggas in Paris?) where he raps, ?The Nets could go 0 for 82, and I look at you like this shit gravy.? It doesn?t matter.

There were rumors years ago that he had obligations to attend a certain amount of Nets home games.? You talked about him attended a few board meetings.? Is that optional for him or mandatory?

I don?t know the details so I can?t answer you definitively on this about what he is required to do and what he is merely asked to do.? I can tell you that there are requirements and levels of commitment and involvement.? Does that include a certain number of games?? It might.? It wouldn?t be shocking.? It?s my understanding that his deal changed to some degree, although I am not sure how, once they got to the construction phase and the promotion and marketing phase and it became clear that he was going to be so heavily involved on the input side.? Clearly, it doesn?t seem that anybody is complaining that he is not doing enough.? They?ve only had two board meetings of the arena and he?s been to both.

There?s been this impression that Jay-Z will help sign players who are fans of his music or respect him as a mogul.? That hasn?t necessarily happened yet.? You talked about Shareef Abdur-Rahim almost being acquired by the Nets.

The record is what the record is.? He didn?t get LeBron although there was a lot of hype that perhaps he could.? I?m told that he was very much involved in strategizing to try to get LeBron.? The story I was told by Billy about trying to get Carmelo was that they were in L.A. for the All-Star game last year and in two hours he is across the city and they call him and say, ?Hey can you talk to Carmelo??? And he says, ?Yeah, I?m there.?? It?s kind of cool but it?s not as orchestrated an attempt as the LeBron thing was.? But let?s hope we don?t have to see too many more of those LeBron things.? I don?t think he can turn someone around 180 degrees but could he put some spin on the ball in the Nets favor?? I think that?s highly likely.? With Shareef, he was a huge Jay-Z fan according to his agent.? They had met previously.? He had been on stage at Jay-Z concerts.? The guy was in love with his music.? That?s certainly in Jay-Z?s favor but did Jay making that call make a difference? I don?t know.? Ultimately, it was a moot point because he didn?t come to the Nets for basketball and medical health reasons.? With Vince Carter was it the phone call from Jay-Z that made him explode for 37 points or was it a better night?s sleep, no heckling from the fans and a really good meal?? Who knows?

You addressed the Nets? uniforms in the piece and how it was perceived by the league as a bad idea because of how African Americans would look in black?? Please elaborate.?

Let?s be clear.? The NBA?s spokesman officially and very adamantly denies what was printed that there was this feeling that a black and white color scheme particularly with heavy use of the color black would look poor on its athletes on TV.? A person aware of these discussions was very clear to me that this is the concern rightly or wrongly.? What is the truth?? I don?t know and we can?t know.? It?s possible that what was said along these lines was someone misrepresenting the league?s view.? All I know is that I am told it was said.?

Either way it did get approved.

Yes, there was resistance but it was approved. They had three color schemes in which black was a color but they hadn?t had black and white period.? I was told it took a couple of calls to the deputy commissioner, once to make the case and appeal to them to back off.? Then there was a second call again to make the case in which they were told they didn?t like the idea but were going to place some faith in Jay.?

You state in the piece that you gathered some information on Jay-Z from the ?Empire State of Mind? book by Zack O?Malley Greenburg.? What else did you use?

Yeah, I did use that book because he had a chapter in there all about that champagne.? He has a pretty decent account of the major moments in Jay?s business career.? But that was the only thing I directly took out of that book.? I read a lot of clips and blogs.? There?s a lot of stuff published by opponents and critics of the Atlantic Yards project in Brooklyn, online in particular.?? I had to make sure I didn?t miss anything he said on behalf of the team so you have to do a thorough Web search of that.? I looked for references to the Nets in Jay?s lyrics as well.

How long did this process take?

It took three weeks of work.

Is there anything you wish you would have added?

My only wish was that we had more space in the paper because I had a lot more to say if I could have.

Please name a few.

It would have been fun, for example, to do a little more of a chronology here and mention more lyrics tied to the Nets.? It would have been fun online to link to some of his lyrics and music videos.? I had a correction in the piece because we mentioned Robert Rubin, the former Treasury secretary.? It was the wrong Robert Rubin.? It was Robert Rubin with a different middle initial who was formerly the chairman of the Brooklyn Museum.? So we had a correction in the paper.? I checked that fact but didn?t check it clearly enough.?

What feedback have you received on the article?

It was one of the top read stories of the day and the most e-mailed and most blogged about.? I know the Nets are aware of the story and besides the league?s concern about the issue of uniform colors and skin color, I think by and large they were pleased with the story.? There are people in Brooklyn who are critical of the project who are somewhat critical of the piece because it?s too laudatory but not everyone is going to be happy.

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A new look at proteins in living cells

ScienceDaily (Aug. 27, 2012) ? Proteins adorning the surfaces of human cells perform an array of essential functions, including cell signaling, communication and the transport of vital substances into and out of cells. They are critical targets for drug delivery and many proteins are now being identified as disease biomarkers -- early warning beacons announcing the pre-symptomatic presence of cancers and other diseases.

While study of the binding properties of membrane proteins is essential, detailed analysis of these complex entities is tricky. Now, Nongjian (NJ) Tao, Professor of Electrical Engineering, and director of the Center for Bioelectronics and Biosensors at Arizona State University's Biodesign Institute has devised a new technique for examining the binding kinetics of membrane proteins.

"This is a very important but very difficult problem to solve," Tao notes. "We demonstrate a new method of approaching the issue, which provides a quantitative analysis of protein interactions on the surface of a cell."

The technique -- known as SPR microscopy -- holds the potential to simplify the study of membrane proteins, thereby streamlining the development of new drugs, aiding the identification of diagnostic biomarkers and improving the understanding of cell-pathogen interactions.

The group's results appear in this week's advanced online issue of the journal Nature Chemistry.

Typically, proteins attached to or embedded in the cell membrane's lipid bilayer are either tagged with fluorescent markers or extracted from their locations, purified and immobilized on a glass surface in protein microarrays. These efforts may not accurately reflect native configuration and function.

Membrane proteins are complex structures whose subtle performance is often related to alterations in conformation and the particular binding kinetics at work. Existing techniques using florescent markers have been applied to pinpoint binding events, but these only permit the visualization of the protein before and after binding, omitting the dynamic processes evolving over time. Further, the use of fluorescent labels to tag protein molecules can interfere with the processes researchers hope to observe.

Alternately, proteins are extracted, purified and affixed to microarray slides -- a labor-intensive process that removes proteins from their native environment, potentially affecting the shapes they naturally assume in situ and/or altering protein function.

In the current study, a label-free imaging technique is applied in situ to membrane proteins, which are visualized using a property known as surface plasmon resonance. This effect occurs when polarized light strikes the surface of a glass slide coated with a thin metallic film of gold. Under proper conditions of wavelength, polarization and incident angle, free electrons in the metal film absorb incident photons, converting them into plasmon waves, which propagate much like waves in water.

When nanoscale phenomena, including membrane proteins, interact and disrupt plasmon waves, they cause a measurable change in light reflectivity, which the new microscopy method converts into an image. (Figure 1a illustrates the basic setup of this technique.)

Surface plasmon resonance had already been applied to extracted proteins to study binding kinetics, though Tao explains that many steps are required and proteins may lose their proper conformational characteristics. This is particularly true for proteins normally embedded in a cell membrane's lipid matrix.

Another important consideration for the study of membrane proteins is the fact that that they arrange themselves heterogeneously across membrane surfaces and modify their distribution during various cellular activities. This behavior is particularly important during a process known as chemotaxis, when cells direct their movements under the influence of chemicals in the surrounding environment. For this reason, a tool allowing for both spatial and temporal study of membrane protein distribution in real time is highly desirable.

Tao's method uses surface plasmon resonance to provide high-resolution spatial and temporal information, and also allows for simultaneous optical and fluorescence observation of the sample, combining the advantages of both label-based and label-free methods.

High spatial resolution proved particularly useful for observing the ways polarized membrane proteins (bearing hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions) rearrange themselves, assisting cell migration directed by surrounding chemicals. The phenomenon also plays an important role during immune recognition. Using SPR microscopy, the spatial distribution of membrane proteins in single cells during chemotaxis could be mapped in detail for the first time, using a chemoattractant to induce cell migration.

Cells for study are cultured directly on a gold-coated slide, which can be subjected to simultaneous bright-field, florescent and SPR imaging. A liquid containing binding ligands is then applied over cells and the binding events with cell surface proteins monitored with SPR.

The technique permits millisecond resolution of temporal events and sub-micron scale analysis of spatial distribution. (See Figure 1b). In the current study, the method examined the binding of membrane glycoproteins with lectin ligands, the spatial distribution of membrane receptor molecules and membrane protein polarization and redistribution events.

The versatility of the new method, allowing for simultaneous imaging in optical, fluorescent and SPR modes, promises to significantly expand the study of membrane proteins in their native state, improving the understanding of protein binding kinetics and speeding the development of drugs targeting membrane proteins.

Tao stresses that such techniques -- by more closely approximating in vivo conditions -- provide a valuable window into biological processes relevant to health and disease: "Cells are different from tissues which are different from human beings, but at least now we can move from a system on the surface of a glass slide to an actual cell surface."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Arizona State University. The original article was written by Richard Harth.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Wei Wang, Yunze Yang, Shaopeng Wang, Vinay J. Nagaraj, Qiang Liu, Jie Wu, Nongjian Tao. Label-free measuring and mapping of binding kinetics of membrane proteins in single living cells. Nature Chemistry, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nchem.1434

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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_environment/~3/mgzkz_bcKdA/120828104810.htm

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Friday, August 24, 2012

London teaches athletes the valuable lesson in closing ceremony

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

New climate history adds to understanding of recent Antarctic Peninsula warming

ScienceDaily (Aug. 22, 2012) ? Results published this week by a team of polar scientists from Britain, Australia and France adds a new dimension to our understanding of Antarctic Peninsula climate change and the likely causes of the break-up of its ice shelves.

The first comprehensive reconstruction of a 15,000 year climate history from an ice core collected from James Ross Island in the Antarctic Peninsula region is reported this week in the journal Nature. The scientists reveal that the rapid warming of this region over the last 100 years has been unprecedented and came on top of a slower natural climate warming that began around 600 years ago. These centuries of continual warming meant that by the time the unusual recent warming began, the Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves were already poised for the dramatic break-ups observed from the 1990's onwards.

The Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming places on Earth -- average temperatures from meteorological stations near James Ross Island have risen by nearly 2?C in the past 50 years.

Lead author Dr Robert Mulvaney OBE, from British Antarctic Survey (BAS) says, "This is a really interesting result. One of the key questions that scientists are attempting to answer is how much of the Earth's recently observed warming is due to natural climate variation and how much can be attributed to human activity since the industrial revolution. The only way we can do this is by looking back through time when the Earth experienced ice ages and warm periods, and ice cores are a very good method for doing this."

Dr Mulvaney continues, "We know that something unusual is happening in the Antarctic Peninsula. To find out more we mounted a scientific expedition to collect an ice core from James Ross Island -- on the northernmost tip of the Peninsula. Within the 364m long core are layers of snow that fell every year for the last 50,000 years. Sophisticated chemical analysis -- at BAS and the NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory (part of British Geological Survey) -- was used to re-create a temperature record over this period.

"For this study we looked in detail at the last 15,000 years -- from the time when the Earth emerged from the last ice age and entered into the current warm period. What we see in the ice core temperature record is that the Antarctic Peninsula warmed by about 6?C as it emerged from the last ice age. By 11,000 years ago the temperature had risen to about 1.3?C warmer than today's average and other research indicates that the Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet was shrinking at this time and some of the surrounding ice shelves retreated. The local climate then cooled in two stages, reaching a minimum about 600 years ago. The ice shelves on the northern Antarctic Peninsula expanded during this cooling. Approximately 600 years ago the local temperature started to warm again, followed by a more rapid warming in the last 50-100 years that coincides with present-day disintegration of ice shelves and glacier retreat."

Co-Author Dr Nerilie Abram formerly from British Antarctic Survey and now with the Research School of Earth Sciences, at The Australian National University says, "The centuries of ongoing warming have meant that marginal ice shelves on the northern Peninsula were poised for the succession of collapses that we have witnessed over the last two decades. And if this rapid warming that we are now seeing continues, we can expect that ice shelves further south along the Peninsula that have been stable for thousands of years will also become vulnerable."

Olivier Alemany, from the French Laboratoire de Glaciologie et G?ophysique de l'Environnement was part of the expedition. He says, "The international polar science community has collected and analysed ice cores from Antarctica and Greenland as part of an effort to reconstruct the Earth's past climate and atmosphere. Our team wanted to understand how the recent warming and the loss of ice shelves compared to the longer term climate trends in the region."

This research makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the role that Antarctica's ice sheets play in influencing future climate and sea-level rise. It was funded by NERC (Natural Environment Research Council).

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by British Antarctic Survey.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Robert Mulvaney, Nerilie J. Abram, Richard C. A. Hindmarsh, Carol Arrowsmith, Louise Fleet, Jack Triest, Louise C. Sime, Olivier Alemany, Susan Foord. Recent Antarctic Peninsula warming relative to Holocene climate and ice-shelf history. Nature, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nature11391

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/most_popular/~3/wi-Z0ytEXAw/120822131212.htm

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Choosing Nose Rings for a New Look | Tongshu Articles

Choosing Nose Rings for a New Look

Author (jgarry). Submitted on Wed, 22 Aug 2012

Nose rings cover a prominent section of the face and will increase the visibility of a person, whether in the office or in a social place. The fact that they enhance the beauty of an individual is not debated in any society or culture, but what is so amazing is the amount of time and consideration one has to take before finally having the piercing done. There are different types of body piercing jewelry that will give you different looks and personalities. The choice of jewelry to have will mainly depend on your preference. The most common nose piercing are nostril piercing, septum piercing and bridge piercing. Depending on the shape of your face, you may find that any of these methodswill greatly improve your look; your confidence and self esteem..For you to recover very fast, it is important that your nose piercing is done by a professional who understandsthe risks that are involved in this procedure. Doctors are great, but they may not know which style will make you look really pretty.

Some of the body piercing jewels thatspeak volumes about your worth may include having some rings, tusks and spikes jewelry. You can have really cool studs that are very respectable, and you won't be afraid to wear them in front of your elders. They will maintain your personality while enhancing your general outlook. In addition, if you have been invited for an interview for a job that you really need, you don't have to be afraid of wearing them. There are good ornaments that will portray you as skilled and confident. This is one body piercing jewelry if matched well will make you look not only beautiful but also respectable.
When it is your firsttime, and you are really not sure which jewelry will make you look amazing, it is important you ask fora professional advice on what size of jewelry is perfect for you. You will definitely get the jewelry that shows people who you really are and not who you are really not. These experts are in a better position to inform you of which size of ring is tailored for the face structure of your body. As you take care of your appearance, it is also imperative to purchase a jewel that will be not only within your financial capability but also one that will make you look more amazing.As far asbody piercing jewelry is concerned, you should take good care of the piercing for you to heal quickly without having any complications. Some professional will advice you to stay with the ring during the early stages of the healing process. If this is the case, you may want to have specially made nose rings that are made of surgical steel and titanium. To take are of your image and health, you should avoid cheap brass and gold coated ornaments, which will become expensive in the long run as they can cause unbearable infections.


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    China: Bo?s wife given suspended death sentence

    Home ? World News ? China

    By John Chan
    23 August 2012

    An intermediate court in the Chinese city of Hefei formally imposed a suspended death sentence on Gu Kailai, the wife of the dismissed Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai, on Monday for the murder of her British business partner, Neil Heywood, last November. Gu had pleaded guilty to the charge.

    The judge declared that the death penalty had been suspended as a result of a medical report on Gu?s mental instability. The sentence was undoubtedly a political decision made at the top levels of the Beijing regime, amid sharp factional struggles inside the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) prior to its upcoming 18th congress.

    Gu publicly declared that she accepted the sentencing as a ?just? decision, clearly hoping that her cooperation would lessen the impact on her family. Her husband Bo has been locked up in an unknown location since March and her son is now in the US. Several of Gu?s accomplices, including Chongqing police officials who sought to cover up Heywood?s murder, were given lengthy jail terms.

    Now that Gu has been sentenced attention will turn to Bo, whose fate will be determined by ongoing factional manoeuvring inside the CCP, principally between President Hu Jintao?s Young Communist League faction and former President Jiang Zemin?s so-called Shanghai gang. Bo, who had been slated to take a position in the party?s top Politburo Standing Committee, was more aligned to Jiang?s faction.

    The 18th party congress is particularly significant as Hu will hand power to the next generation of leaders, headed by current Vice President Xi Jinping. Xi is regarded as a compromise figure between the two factions. Hu?s main representative in the new leadership is Li Keqiang, who is set to become premier. According to a Reuters report, Hu is also seeking to install former Young Communist League secretary Hu Chunghua into the Politburo Standing Committee and position him as Xi?s successor.

    At the heart of the power struggle is a battle over economic policy, under conditions of a worsening global breakdown that is sharply slowing the Chinese economy. Both factions control various state-owned monopolies, have established connections to major Western banks and corporations, and support the pro-market agenda that has transformed China into a giant cheap-labour platform.

    Bo had become a figurehead for sections of the bureaucracy that advocate using the state sector?including the state-owned banks and monopolies?to try to restrict or regulate international competition and protect Chinese corporations. In Chongqing, he encouraged partnerships between state-owned enterprises and foreign corporations, which were attracted by the low wages and taxes.

    Bo?s factional opponents are more closely connected with private entrepreneurs and transnational corporations. They have criticised the so-called Chongqing model, demanded an end to ?unfair? protection for ?red? cronies and called for an extension of the ?free market? to further encourage foreign investment.

    The country?s economic slowdown brought matters to a head. Despite the fact that many state-owned enterprises were shut down or sold off in the 1990s and early 2000s, some 110,000 state-owned enterprises remain. They now account for two-thirds of China?s non-agricultural gross domestic product (GDP). The 120 largest, which are directly controlled by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), have paper assets of $3.7 trillion and made a combined profit of $129 billion last year.

    These huge profits depend on the continuation of state-sanctioned monopolies in key sectors such as oil, finance and telecommunications. Since the eruption of the global financial crisis in 2008, Western corporations have stepped up their demands for an end to China?s state-owned monopolies and access to these highly profitable economic sectors. As the Chinese economy has slowed, the dominant CCP faction led by Hu concluded that the only means of maintaining high growth rates was to encourage a massive injection of new foreign investment by further opening up the Chinese economy.

    The scandal that erupted around Bo certainly exposed the way in which he used his position to ruthlessly enrich himself and his family members. But Bo is hardly an exception in the CCP bureaucracy, which is riven from top to bottom by corruption. Bo was particularly targeted to destroy his political credibility and to discredit the ?Chongqing model? that had been widely championed in the Chinese press, particularly by ?New Left? scholars. This broad, heterogeneous grouping is not opposed to the profit system, but criticises ?neo-liberal? policies and advocates social welfare measures and environmental policies to ameliorate the worst aspects of Chinese capitalism.

    Leading New Left figure Cui Ziyuan from Tsinghua University, went to Chongqing and was dubbed Bo?s ?red professor.? An article posted last year on the China.org.cn web site, which is run by the State Council, explained that Cui described himself as a ?Liberal Socialist.? It continued: ?Given the current budgetary crises in the West, he believes Chongqing can serve as example for other countries as well as China. The key is that a profitable public sector can finance government spending, including on social programs.?

    In fact, what was taking place in Chongqing was only a variant of processes throughout China. Bo went further in more completely stripping farmers of their land and in providing greater state subsidies to foreign investors. He forced local state-owned enterprises to contribute greater amounts to government revenue, which he used to cut the private corporate tax rate to just 15 percent, compared to 25 percent in other provinces. Low taxes and cheaper labour in inland Chongqing compared coastal Chinese cities attracted electronic giants such as HP and Foxconn, and encouraged other foreign corporations, including Ford, to establish joint ventures. As a result, Chongqing?s GDP doubled over the past five years.

    All of this was dressed up with a superficial ?red? colouration, including Bo?s campaign to revive the singing of Mao-era songs and his introduction of limited social concessions such as cheap accommodation for rural migrant workers.

    The ?Chongqing model? always rested on shaky economic grounds. Much of the revenue provided by state-owned enterprises derived from unsustainable property speculation. Like the rest of China, Chongqing relied on exports that are now sharply slowing, raising the prospect of social unrest.

    The Hu leadership decisively turned against the ?Chongqing model? in February? just weeks before Bo?s removal. They adopted a major World Bank report calling for full-scale privatisation and a vastly reduced role for the state. The choice of new leaders reflected this orientation?Vice President Xi presided over the so-called ?Zhejiang model?, known for its promotion of private business, and Wang Yang, the party secretary of Guangdong, China?s leading export hub.

    The Hu leadership was also concerned that Bo?s populist appeals would heighten the expectations of the working class precisely when further inroads will have to be made into wages and conditions to meet the demands of investors. Wang publicly declared at a provincial party congress earlier this year that the party should put an end to the popular notion of ?dependency on the government??that is, even limited social services.

    The sentencing of Bo?s wife is also a judgement against Bo, his factional supporters, the so-called New Left grouping and the ?Chongqing model?. While there could be further twists and turns in the inner-party factional struggle, the dominant CCP leadership is preparing to use the 18th congress not only to install new leaders but to launch a far reaching assault on the social position of the working class.

    Source: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2012/aug2012/chin-a23.shtml

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    Wednesday, August 22, 2012

    How a Plumber Can Improve the Value of Your Home | Computers ...

    There are numerous ways through which a plumber can help you in improving the value of your home. The leaking pipes and faucets cam greatly affect the hygiene standards in the home. To curb such problems, you will certainly need the assistance of an expert. Fixing these faults will certainly lead to a significant reduction in your water bills.

    Apart from saving on the bills, you shall have immensely improved the comfort of your home. An experienced plumber will ensure that these slight repairs are completed in appropriate time. Some complications such as leaking toilets can even risk the life of your family if not checked properly.

    These professionals can also be of importance during the winter. This is when the pipes contain frozen water. With the freezing of water, the pipes are most likely to burst. This is when you shall need the help of these experts to ensure that you still have a full supply. They will also help you to erect preventive measures for the pipes not to burst.

    When you become tired of the old bathroom and kitchen, call on these individuals. They will help you in remodeling these key sections of the house. They will also ensure that the remodeling process improves your comfort ability. The renovation process can only be done well when you hire professionals.

    To significantly conserve water, you shall need their services as well. This is the best way to end up with the best appliances for your home. Such appliances may include water heaters for your home. With the right sizing of this appliance you shall conserve both water and energy.

    With the purchase of any new appliance, a plumber will guide you on the basic facts about it. They will ensure that the installation is done in the correct manner. This way, you will not have to worry whether the installation was done properly. You will also be informed about the safety measures when handling the appliances.




    This entry was posted in Plumber. Bookmark the permalink.

    Source: http://www.meetcoco.com/how-a-plumber-can-improve-the-value-of-your-home/

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    Ecuadoreans rally behind president over Assange asylum

    QUITO (Reuters) - Hundreds of Ecuadoreans marched on Monday in support of the government's decision to grant asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in a saga that could help President Rafael Correa win re-election.

    Ecuador is outraged at Britain for threatening to enter its embassy in London where the Australian anti-secrecy campaigner -- faced with extradition to Sweden for questioning over rape and sexual assault accusations -- has taken refuge.

    There is also a wider power game at play between Ecuador and the bloc of left-wing Latin American governments it belongs to, and the United States.

    Correa supports Assange's claim that he is at risk of being sent to the United States for punishment over WikiLeaks' 2010 release of a deluge of U.S. diplomatic cables and secret army documents.

    "We're here to support the timely and correct decision to grant asylum to Julian Assange and also to reject the hostile reaction of Great Britain in cahoots with United States," said Betty Wanda, a 28-year-old lawyer, among a crowd outside the presidential palace in Quito on Monday.

    Correa is already very popular and appears to be drawing more support with his stance on Assange. He has portrayed the standoff with London as a principled struggle between a small nation against a "colonial power".

    In power since 2007, and widely praised for high spending on roads, hospitals and schools, the 49-year-old Correa is expected to run for re-election in February 2013.

    There have been small protests outside the British Embassy in the Andean nation's highland capital, and graffiti has sprung up showing support for Correa.

    Ecuador might take the case to the International Court of Justice, but would first try to convince London that it should allow Assange to travel to the South American country or give him guarantees he would not be extradited to the United States.

    "We're states with responsible governments that can negotiate directly about this problem. We have always been open to negotiations with the British and Swedish governments," Correa told state-run television on Monday night.

    Correa's government, however, says there have been no talks since August 15.


    The ALBA bloc of left-wing Latin American governments, founded in 2004 by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Cuba's then-leader Fidel Castro, and the UNASUR group of South American nations have both given Ecuador strong backing in the dispute over Assange.

    "If there's something that many people agree with, it is the dislike, even the visceral hate of 'the empire'. The anti-American sentiment brings us together, the phobia of everything that is or may be 'gringo', and, by extension, European," columnist Fabian Corral, who is often critical of Correa, wrote in Ecuador's El Comercio daily.

    The information released by WikiLeaks laid bare Washington's under-the-table power-broking around the world. The leaked cables on Ecuador included accusations that Correa's government turned a blind eye to police corruption, and he responded by expelling the U.S. ambassador in the small oil-producing nation.

    Correa is a feisty leader who never shies away from a fight, be it with international bondholders, oil companies, local bankers, the Catholic Church or media organizations that criticize his policies.

    He has been widely criticized for his hostility toward Ecuadorean media, but he says they are controlled by big business and are intent on weakening his government. Supporters say the decision to grant asylum to Assange demonstrates Correa's support for free expression.

    Many at the rally on Monday wore multi-color bandannas with images of Assange and the message: "Without real freedom of expression, there will not be sovereignty."

    "I back the president 100 percent because I believe that there's freedom of expression in Ecuador. But there must also be freedom of expression at the international level and a journalist that has had as much significance as Assange must not be censored," said Christian Cuchi, 27.

    State-run media have for weeks run stories portraying Assange as a champion of media freedom.

    Yet after Assange was hired earlier this year by Russia Today (RT), a Kremlin-sponsored English-language TV channel, some rights groups stopped considering the Australian as a friend of freedom of expression.

    "So here he (Assange) is aligning himself with one of the greatest adversaries of press freedom in the world that is Putin and then also one of the greatest adversaries of freedom of the press in South America, that is Correa," Arch Puddington, vice president for research at Freedom House, told Reuters.

    "Correa is doing this because he and Assange share strong anti-American views and I think that is the rationale behind what Correa is doing, not an effort to ingratiate himself with press freedom organizations around the world."

    (Editing by Andrew Cawthorne, Kieran Murray and Paul Simao)

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ecuadoreans-rally-behind-president-over-assange-asylum-040849457.html

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    Video: South Africa?s Zuma addresses miners at shooting site

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    Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/48755699/

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    Homes for Sale San Ramon CA Real Estate Weekly Review August 19

    Homes for Sale San Ramon CA Real Estate Weekly Review August 19, 2012 | Homes for Sale in San Ramon, Danville CA, Dublin CA, Pleasanton ?2012 Bay East. ?2012 CCAR. ?2012 EBRD. All rights reserved. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This information is provided from three separate sources: Bay East, CCAR and EBRD. The listings presented here may or may not be listed by the Broker/Agent operating this website. Information last updated on 8/20/12 10:51 PM PDT.

    This IDX solution is (c) Diverse Solutions 2012.

    Source: http://vickiesellshomes.com/homes-for-sale-san-ramon-ca-real-estate-weekly-review-august-19-2012/

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    Can T.I. Hit #1 With Album And Movie?

    'I think that's one of the things I gotta do,' T.I. tells 'RapFix Live' of having a #1 album and movie in the same week.
    By Rob Markman

    Photo: Natasha Chandel/ MTV News

    Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1692086/ti-album-movie-number-one.jhtml

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    Tuesday, August 21, 2012

    Owner of prospering small business to share success tips | The Salt ...

    As part of an ongoing educational series, the U.S. Small Business Administration is inviting Utah business owners to participate in a live web chat with Martha Ross-Rodgers, co-owner of Rodgers? Banana Pudding Sauces of Virginia who will be talking about growing a family-owned business.

    She will answer questions about how the love for a nostalgic dessert turned into a booming family-owned enterprise, the trials and triumphs of financing and promoting their product, and what they have done to build on their business success.

    The web chat will be held on Thursday at 1 p.m. Participants can join the live web chat, and also post questions before the event by going online to www.sba.gov, and then clicking on the web chat event under What?s New.

    Rogers, whose business was one of SBA?s video contest winners for National Small Business Week 2012, will answer questions for one hour.

    Copyright 2012 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

    Reader comments on sltrib.com are the opinions of the writer, not The Salt Lake Tribune. We will delete comments containing obscenities, personal attacks and inappropriate or offensive remarks. Flagrant or repeat violators will be banned. If you see an objectionable comment, click the red "Flag" link below it.
    See more about comments here.

    Source: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/54727599-79/business-chat-web-questions.html.csp

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    Monday, August 20, 2012

    Is Your Employment-At-Will Policy Legal? | Brody and Associates LLC

    Written by Robert G. Brody and Rebecca Goldberg on August 20, 2012

    The National Labor Relations Board (?NLRB?) continues its invasion of union-free workplaces.? Its next target is employee handbook provisions confirming the employment relationship is ?at will,? meaning it can be terminated unilaterally by either the employer or the employee for any lawful reason.

    Employers often include at-will language in their handbooks to avoid claims that an employment contract exists where none was intended.? Generally, these provisions state that only a top executive of the company can alter the at-will relationship, and only in writing.? In the absence of such language, casual comments or even the very existence of a handbook could be misconstrued as giving rise to a contractual relationship.? If an employment contract exists, the employer cannot fire the employee without adequate cause, so it is critical for employers to maintain employment at will unless they consciously choose to enter into a contractual relationship.

    Employers have been including at-will provisions in their handbooks for decades without question as to their legality under the National Labor Relations Act (?NLRA?).? However, the NLRB has recently challenged such provisions in two cases.? In one, the NLRB found the policy violated the NLRA; the other case settled with an agreement to rescind and revise the provision.? The NLRB argues an employee could reasonably read an at-will provision to imply that even unionization would not alter the employment relationship.? Since the NLRB will likely not allow a disclaimer unless it addresses this issue, employers must choose whether to remove the provision altogether (a bad idea), modify it to specifically address unionization concerns, or keep the at-will language as is, in spite of the NLRB?s warnings.

    This latest NLRB challenge stretches the NLRA beyond all previously recognized bounds.? It is unknown if any court will uphold the NLRB?s actions, but getting to the point of a court decision will be expensive and risky.? Presumably, the NLRB?s decision will be appealed.? Until that is resolved, employers who chose not to fight the NLRB have options.? One is weakening or removing your employment-at-will language but this leaves you vulnerable to employee lawsuits for breach of contract.? The safest bet to avoid the NLRB?s wrath but maintain some protections is to modify the at-will provision to specifically address the possibility that unionization could alter the employment relationship.? How to do this is unresolved but we have an idea.? Based on the NLRB?s reasoning, if your at-will language explains that it can be modified if an amendment is signed by both the company and someone acting on behalf of the employee, that might satisfy the NLRB?s concerns.? Of course, no one knows if this will work, but it may be worth the risk.? Alternatively, an employer could try to ensure nothing is ever said or written that would modify the employment-at-will policy that exists in practically every state in the United States.? Needless to say, such a practice is risky.? As the NLRB continues to attack this issue, corrective strategies will hopefully be clearer.? Stayed tuned for updates.?

    Brody and Associates regularly advises its clients on all labor management issues and provides various training programs.? If we can be of assistance in this area, please contact us at info@brodyandassociates.com or 203.965.0560.

    Source: http://brodyandassociates.com/is-your-employment-at-will-policy-legal/

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    Marvel's 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Movie Eyes James Gunn As Director

    Fans of Marvel's recent movies have another thing to be excited about today. "Guardians of the Galaxy," the studio's planned quasi-sequel to this year's blockbuster "The Avengers," is close to finding a director in independent film icon James Gunn.

    Hollywood Reporter writes that Marvel is close to signing a deal with independent film director James Gunn to helm one of their next films "Guardians of the Galaxy," set to premier in 2014. While Gunn, who directed 2012's "Super," is a front-runner, Marvel is also considering Peyton Reed, director of "Yes Man."

    "Guardians of the Galaxy" comes as part of Marvel's "Phase 2" of movies, including sequels to "Captain America," "Thor" and "Iron Man," as well as a new movie for the classic hero Ant-Man. Marvel announced "Phase Two" in July at the San Diego Comic-Con.

    The superhero-filled "Guardians of the Galaxy" was originally launched in the 1960s, but the series was relatively unpopular until a 2008 relaunch by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. Promotional art for the film version draws heavily from Abnett and Lanning's conception of the team, which sees the team protect cosmic locales from annihilation.

    While the team's roster has varied over the years, the movie version will star Groot (a strange tree creature), Star-Lord (a half-human space vigilante), Drax the Destroyer (a human resurrected as a green warrior), Gamora (the last survivor of an alien species) and Rocket Raccoon (a talking, gun-toting raccoon).

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    While the film's plot has not been officially released, most fans agree that it will center around Marvel's popular cosmic villain Thanos. Thanos worships a physical embodiment of death and has several ties to the Guardians of the Galaxy, namely Drax the Destroyer and Gamora.

    Marvel's latest blockbuster "The Avengers," featured a mysterious alien army known as the Chitauri serving under the villain Loki. The film held off on explaining the Chitauri's origins until a post-credits scene revealed they were furnished by Thanos.

    Gunn has only directed two feature films, 2006's "Slither" and 2010's "Super." "Slither" is a science-fiction horror comedy starring Nathan Fillion and Elizabeth Banks as they attempt to fend off alien parasites in a small South Carolina town.

    "Super" lampoons super hero movies, casting Rainn Wilson and Ellen Page as a deeply deranged superhero duo. The film was released without a rating and only earned $324,000 at the box office.

    While Gunn's directorial efforts have not been highly successful at the box office, Gunn has served as a writer for the popular 2004 "Dawn of the Dead" remake and 2012's cult hit video game "Lollipop Chainsaw."

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    Source: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/375070/20120818/guardians-galaxy-movie-marvel-james-gunn-avengers.htm

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    Source: http://pdfcast.org/pdf/online-relationship-advice-online-24-7-help-when-it-s-needed

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    Sunday, August 19, 2012

    NFL Week 1 Panthers vs Bucaneers

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    Source: http://www.sportsviews.com/bet/19604/NFL_Week_1__Panthers_vs_Bucaneers

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    Kim warns troops to prepare for ?sacred war? during US-South Korea exercises

  • Samsung Apple fail to make up

    The Korea Times - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    By Kim Yoo-chul Samsung Electronics and Apple have failed to reach compromise on their patent dispute in the court-ordered consultations between CEOs of the two firms. Now, their dispute is ...

  • Call center workers suffer from sexual harassment small pay

    The Korea Times - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    Voice service providers, mainly at 114 telephony service and home shopping call centers, have been suffering from severe insults such as vocal sexual harassment from male callers. Data of the ...

  • S. Koreas bet on expected income

    SINA - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    by Yoo Seungki SEOUL, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) -- In economics, an expected value theory was once used as a rule of choice. The rule said that if people face a gamble in which the probability of getting ...

  • President Chinchilla Ends Visit to China and Travels to South Korea

    Prensa Latina - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    Beijing, Aug 19 (Prensa Latina) The president of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla, spoke with authorities in the province of Shaanxi in the final stage of her visit to China, after which she traveled to ...

  • South Koreas Online Prophet to Study in U.S.

    NCM - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    SEOUL -- Park Dae-Sung, 31, better known in his native South Korea by his Internet alias Minerva, is preparing to enroll in a community college in Virginia to study economics, reports the Korea ...

  • Kim warns troops to prepare for ?sacred war? during US-South Korea exercises

    Prison Planet - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    Kim Jong Un told his troops to be vigilant during upcoming training exercises between South Korea and the United States, saying they should be ready to lead a ';sacred war,'; state media ...

  • Taking Japan back to past

    The Korea Times - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    Noda turns nationalistic on neighbors By Kang Hyun-kyung, Chung Min-uck Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is a determining factor in Japan's confrontational stance in dealing with ...

  • New monument set up on Dokdo

    The Korea Times - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    Maeng Hyung-kyu, third from right, minister of public administration and security, poses with officials and politicians during the unveiling ceremony of a monument on Dokdo, Sunday. The monument is ...

  • 8 knifed on rampage at subway station

    The Korea Times - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    By Yun Suh-young A man in his 30s suddenly attacked citizens with a knife at a subway station in Uijeongbu, north of Seoul, Saturday evening, injuring eight passengers and triggering ...

  • S.Korea ruling party votes for presidential nominee

    West Australian - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    SEOUL (AFP) - South Korea's ruling conservative party voted on Sunday to decide its nominee for the presidential election in December, with the daughter of late dictator Park Chung-Hee widely ...

  • Cloud computing changes all rules in banking

    The Korea Times - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    Employees work at the cloud computing data center of LG CNS, one of the leading Korean system integrators affiliated with LG Group, in Sangam-dong, Seoul. / Korea Times ...

  • Migrant workers chant ?Oh boss Please give us our overdue ...

    The Korea Times - Sunday 19th August, 2012

    Pay overdue wages: Migrant workers chant, "Oh, boss! Please give us our overdue paychecks," during a rally in front of Bosingak in Jongno, central Seoul, Sunday. They also demanded the ...

  • Source: http://www.southkoreanews.net/index.php?sid/208425699/scat/3f5c98640a497b43

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    Indiana Tax Reporter: Editorial Argues Indianapolis Should Invest In ...

    By Bill Taft?in the Indianapolis Business Journal:

    The disagreement between Mayor Ballard and City-County Council Democrats over the use of tax increment financing sounds like a wonky tax policy debate, but behind this conflict are far more fundamental questions of how we use our city?s resources to prepare for its future.

    Do we carefully hoard our shrinking property tax base to serve our growing local government needs, or should we leverage our assets to create economic activity that could dramatically increase future tax revenue?

    While TIF policy details can be debated, it is increasingly clear that building a viable economic future for Indianapolis requires that we use tools like TIF to lay the groundwork for expanded economic activities.

    The districts in their simplest form capture future increased tax revenue that will flow from a new development to fund the public components of that same development project. It was first deployed in Indianapolis in the 1990s for projects like Circle Centre mall and has grown in importance as a financing tool for a range of projects around the city, with a high concentration of them downtown.

    Critics complain that TIFs prevent the increased taxes from these new projects from flowing to existing tax-supported uses like public schools, libraries and public safety.

    Why has TIF financing become more common? Simply because Indianapolis faces growing redevelopment challenges as its traditional sources of local and federal tax revenue shrink. State property tax caps combined with declining assessed property valuation of Marion County have resulted in lower tax revenue. It seems unlikely given its growing deficits that the federal government will provide funds to make up for declining local funds.

    Indianapolis faces the obvious need to retool downtown, neighborhoods and commercial/industrial areas to compete regionally, nationally and internationally for economic development. The only real opportunity to generate greater tax revenue is to leverage investment into improving existing neighborhoods (raising assessed values), and attracting more highly skilled residents who will generate more income taxes.
    The citizens of Indianapolis have dreams of what our city can become in spite of our challenges. Are we willing to invest in this future by tightening our belts and taking some risk today? If so, strategically using TIF to remake our city into the competitive place it needs to be seems like a wise move.

    I hope the mayor and the council can work through their differences to accelerate investment in our future.?

    See the full article here:


    Source: http://indianapropertytaxreporter.blogspot.com/2012/08/editorial-argues-indianapolis-should.html

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    Saturday, August 18, 2012

    PressNewsRoom ? Blog Archive ? Personal Training Expert Justin ...

    Justin Yule, personal training expert and author, announces the 4th Annual Chanhassen Fitness Revolution Back-to-School Transformation Challenge.

    Chanhassen, Minn. ? August 17, 2012 ? Justin Yule, of Chanhassen Fitness Revolution and ?Look Great at the Lake? Bootcamp, is announcing the 4th Annual Back-to-School Transformation Challenge. After three straight years of unbelievable success, Justin is extremely excited to get started with this year?s challenge, in which he specifically designed workouts to improve the areas that he will be focusing on throughout the challenge.

    For this year?s challenge, taking place during the 10 weeks between September 10th and November 17th, Justin is changing it up!? Instead of just one overall winner, this year?s challenge will award several winners in several different categories.? Justin emphasizes that every participant is a ?winner? when participating in this challenge because of the transformation that will take place to those dedicated to putting all of their effort in the program.? However, with several different awards being given out will serve as a great motivational tool.

    Watch Justin Yule?s video about this year?s challenge here: http://www.chanhassenfitnessrevolution.com/backtoschool/

    This year, there will be six winners in these six categories:

    Prizes include:

    • Cardio:Core Boot Camp Punch Card
    • Abs, Arms & Ass Boot Camp Punch Card
    • Yoga Punch Card
    • $300 Cash
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    Justin Yule, BS, CPT has been studying health and fitness for 22 years, practicing as a personal trainer for the last 13 years, and has helped thousands of clients reach their fitness goals through his personal supervision and personal training management roles. Today, Justin focuses on population-based training and specializes in fitness boot camps for all levels. Justin holds a bachelor?s degree in Physical Education with a Concentration in Adult Fitness (1997) from The State University of New York at Cortland.? He is also a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer.

    Justin is also a best-selling co-author of fitness and health book, Total Body Breakthroughs: The World?s Leading Experts Reveal Proven Health, Fitness & Nutrition Secrets To Help You Achieve The Body You?ve Always Wanted But Couldn?t Until Now!, which covers the subjects of total body health, fitness and nutrition, and is designed to help people find a breakthrough fitness strategy that works for them.

    Learn more about Justin Yule at http://www.JustinYule.com

    About Chanhassen Fitness Revolution:

    Launched by Chanhassen fitness expert Justin Yule in July 2009, Chanhassen Fitness Revolution is a co-ed group personal training program, which specializes in the areas of weight loss, metabolic training, and functional fitness.? Program details and client testimonials are available at http://www.ChanhassenFitnessRevolution.com.? Yule, a certified fitness expert with 15 years experience in the fitness industry, can be reached at Justin@ChanhassenFitnessRevolution.com or 763-280-3481.

    About Justin Yule, Fitness Expert:

    Yule is a certified fitness expert with 15 years of experience in the fitness industry. Education includes a B.S. in Physical Education with a Concentration in Adult Fitness, along with a being a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer.? Yule also holds specialty certifications in Metabolic Training, Functional Movement Screening, Kettlebell Training, and Reactive Resistance Band Training. Awards and accomplishments include being an international best-selling author and one of America?s Premier Fitness Experts.? Yule has been featured in USA Today, the Star Tribune, Fox 9, CNBC, Southwest Metro Magazine, and Southwest Newspapers in MN.

    Source: http://www.pressnewsroom.com/index.php/2012/08/17/personal-training-expert-justin-yule-issues-back-to-school-transformation-challenge/

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